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Learn what the Holistic Practitioner Growth System is about.

What is the Holistic Practitioner Growth System?

  • Do you feel like you have the tools to confidently handle any case that comes into your office? No matter what their state of health?

  • Do you have the ability to educate a patient on what results they can expect at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 12 weeks into a treatment plan?

  • Do you have the confidence to educate a patient about the benefits of lab testing, and the confidence to form effective, evidence based treatment plans around those results?

    If not, the reality is, you might struggle in practice!

    This is not to scare you, but to set a realistic expectation that you CAN have confidence and success, with ease, in practice.

  • Yes, you can have a fully booked practice with ease.

  • You can get amazing results in practice, because Naturopathic Medicine is wildly effective!

  • You can have patients lining up, wanting to invest in themselves, wanting testing, wanting more information about their bodies!

    And if you don’t believe that, well we have the mindset strategies for you as well.

    The Holistic Practitioner Growth system is the signature system designed by Dr. Sarah Wilson, ND that will help you to learn not only the foundational understanding of health to tackle most women’s health concerns with confidence, but it also includes the business strategies and mindset support that you need to go from a struggling practitioner or student, burning out and questioning your worth as a Doctor, to a confident clinician, running a successful business- all without burnout!!

    This system came about after Dr. Sarah started numerous practices and has helped hundreds of clinicians to improve their clinical skills, research skills and ultimately to get results in practice that fill practices through word of mouth!

    Dr. Sarah has also become a sought after business and mindset coach for holistic practitioners and from this she has noticed that there are similarities in the steps and knowledge that NDs need to move from a place of burn out and (lacking confidence) to the practice of their dreams.

  • Dr. Sarah Wilson, ND,

    How Will I Be Supported?

    In the Holistic Practitioner Growth System you can expect to leave with a deep understanding of:

  • How to interpret core laboratory testing and how to know what to run for patients in practice.
  • How to efficiently research and know what key elements to extract from a patient's history to send you in the right direction for diagnosis
  • What the key 5-7 causes of DIS-EASE are and protocols that can take your patients from the ‘itty bitty shitty committee” with something off in each area- to seeing significant symptom and lab improvements in just 3 months! (Yes, even without a diagnosis!)
  • These include insulin resistance, hormonal dysfunction causes, addressing nutrient deficiency, the true causes of fatigue and burnout, immune dysfunction and much more
  • How to overcome the key mindset blocks that hold practitioners back at each level of success
  • What foundational business strategies to implement to grow your practice in a rewarding way.
  • How to deal with the feelings of overwhelm and burnout that come up along your journey towards your dream career.
  • Much much more!

    This 12 week curriculum also includes 3 live coaching calls and accountability structures in between to ensure that you are not only on track, but also applying this to your patients and practice and getting results!

    Coaching calls help to support the understanding of these core principles in the context of real patient cases and real business situations.

    For this launch only, to get feedback and offer a gift to the ND community that needs support so badly right now, we have decided to offer this $2500 course for a reduced price for a limited time only!! A deal that will never come around again, and one that we are thrilled to share.

    So do not hesitate to register today!
  • Holistic Practitioner Growth System

    Holistic Practitioner Growth System

    Join Today and Improve Your Practice!
    Starts April 25th, 2022

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